The placenta is this amazing organ that your body creates for you and your baby during pregnancy. It acts as your body’s hormone factory throughout your pregnancy, regulating and producing a different variety of hormones including serotonin and oxytocin. You see, during pregnancy the placenta takes over most of the hormone production in your body. This is great, except when your placenta is gone, those hormones take a dramatic dip and are practically non existent in your body. It takes a while for your brain to get back to regulating these hormones. By ingesting your placenta, it is believed that you can replenish your body with the hormones that linger inside the placenta. The amazing thing is that the placenta’s hormonal make-up is unique to the mother.
Do I mean you should just cut right into it after the baby is born?? No, not necessarily! Though a lot of women (including myself) have benefitted from swallowing a small piece of the placenta immediately after birth to help the uterus contract, thats not what I'm here to tell you about. Placenta encapsulation is a means of ingesting your placenta without the "gross" factor. My placenta encapsulation services include processing the placenta in the widely accepted "raw method", which means it is washed off, dehydrated, blended up into a powder, and put into capsules so that you can take them just like a vitamin. I try to get your "placenta pills" back to you by your third day postpartum! I'll pick up your placenta from the hospital (just ask your nurses/ midwives to save your placenta for you. It's never a problem and you don't need to explain anything to them), and I'll come pick it up the day of the birth! Read what others are saying about my placenta encapsulation services..