VBAC Facts: For women planning on a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-Section)
Spinning Babies: Wonderful information on fetal positioning. Especially helpful for turning a breech baby.
Birth Without Fear: A website and blog about information, birth stories, and empowerment.
Evidence Based Birth: Evidence based information to support your birth.
Postpartum Support International – website with lots of information, resources, and a 1-800 phone number to get information on support in your area.
Postpartum Progress – a website with information on PPD and treatment options.
Postpartum Dads - a website with support for families and partners experiencing or supporting a mother through postpartum depression.
Free Postpartum Wellness Toolkit – a free downloadable toolkit from Taylor’s doula website to help you plan for postpartum wellness.
Timeline of Postpartum Recovery – very detailed information on what to expect physically after baby is born.
What Women Need to Know About Post Pregnancy– an interview with Sylvia Brown, author of Postpartum Handbook.
Fourth Trimester Bodies Project– a blog with beautiful pictures of real moms and babies.
Plus Size Birth – a website with information on body image in general and resources for plus size moms.
Mama Natural- Website and blog with tons of great information on nutrition and healthy natural living.
Super Baby Food – Website and book by Ruth Yaronto to guide you when introducing solid food to your child.
Baby Led Weaning – Website and book by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett about an approach to introducing solids to your child.
Kellymom– a website with tons of evidence-based breastfeeding information.
Jack Newman – a website with helpful information sheets and wonderful videos on breastfeeding.
Deep Latch Technique – a website with helpful info and video for latching.
Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition– a website with information on medications that are safe during breastfeeding.
Safe Cosleeping Guidelines– an online description of safe co-sleeping guidelines from Dr. James McKenna.
Cosleeping with Baby- Mama Natural's blog post on cosleeping with a ton od helpful information.
Ask Dr. Sears- Useful information on safe baby sleeping arrangements. Talks about cosleeping as well as other arrangements that are safe for baby.
Ask Dr. Sears – a website with lots of info and tips on baby care from and attachment parenting perspective
Mothering – a natural parenting website with lots of forums